EVERYONE Please complete the District LCAP survey

EVERYONE Please complete the District LCAP survey
4/10/2018 4/30/2018

VISIT https://www.ausd.us/apps/news/
and select the LCAP announcement

AUSD is committed to including all stakeholders in the development of the District LCAP. 

To improve the educational environment for AUSD students, the District has developed six Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) goals. Under each goal are a variety of Actions/Services that assist in attaining these goals.  After reviewing the Goals, Actions/Services, District Data and expenditures in the 2017-18 LCAP (posted on District website), give us your recommendations for Actions/Services you would like the District to consider adding to the 2018/2019 LCAP goals to improve the educational environment for all AUSD students.

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